Goat Posse, Humor, Inspiration, Interwebs, Meme's, Pictures worth a thousand words, Public Shame, Twitter

The Evil Panty Meme Rides Again

Um, so, this one time on Twitter...I may have thought it was a REALLY good idea to harass one of my friends into creating an evil panty meme. Hey, it felt like the right thing for a Tuesday morning. Being that all of my friends on Twitter are AWESOME, she obliged. (I’m talking about @MichelleSimkins,… Continue reading The Evil Panty Meme Rides Again

For Writers, Hearts and Hearts, Humor, Inspiration, Public Shame, Rejection, Writing, Writing Life

Thanks, but no thanks. (Fake) Rejection letter hell.

For some road-to-publishing fun, I decided to take some of the most [in]famous rejection letters (sent to UBER famous authors), and combine them into one hellish rejection.  May the dreaded form rejection never look quite-so-bad again, my fellow author-ly types. Have a fabulous day. <3333 *Rejection excerpts taken from the following authors/works: LOLITA by Vladimir… Continue reading Thanks, but no thanks. (Fake) Rejection letter hell.