Authors, Dreams, For Writers, Getting Started, Inspiration, Publishing, Rejection, Writing Life

Do you know how incredible you are?

I know I’ve said this before, but it’s something I firmly believe in. If you are querying, or are out on submission, or doing anything where you’re receiving rejections, celebrate them. Want to know why? You are actively DOING something. You decided to go for your dreams, you didn’t just talk about it - you… Continue reading Do you know how incredible you are?

For Writers, Hearts and Hearts, Humor, Inspiration, Public Shame, Rejection, Writing, Writing Life

Thanks, but no thanks. (Fake) Rejection letter hell.

For some road-to-publishing fun, I decided to take some of the most [in]famous rejection letters (sent to UBER famous authors), and combine them into one hellish rejection.  May the dreaded form rejection never look quite-so-bad again, my fellow author-ly types. Have a fabulous day. <3333 *Rejection excerpts taken from the following authors/works: LOLITA by Vladimir… Continue reading Thanks, but no thanks. (Fake) Rejection letter hell.

Authors, Manuscript Requests, Novels, Rejection, Science Fiction, Writing, Writing Life

Publishing trends may come and go, but honesty always prevails.

Publishing trends may come and go, but honesty always prevails. Here's why. (In my opinion.) Every writer published, or unpublished fears the dreaded T word. TREND. Just mentioning t-who-should-not-be-named makes my stomach twist in a knot. Advice is dispensed by everyone and their mother on the subject, but what happens when the story that’s itching… Continue reading Publishing trends may come and go, but honesty always prevails.