Literary Agents, Query Letter, Writing, Writing Life

Query Letters Dissected By Those Who Know

Last week I posted some query letter tricks that I've learned over the last year or so, HOWEVER there's a weekly post you should check out on your own, by people in the biz. BookEnds (a fantastic literary agency) posts a query letter each Wednesday, then gives feedback on what works, and what doesn't. Be… Continue reading Query Letters Dissected By Those Who Know

Inspiration, Pictures worth a thousand words, Quotes, Twitter

It is the pen which dreams!

It's #Writer's Wednesday on Twitter, #WW and I'd like to send out a special 'hello' to all of my writing friends out there. I know I've said it before, (countless times) but you are so awesome. We're now 1,500 friends strong on Twitter and I've gotten a chance to know a lot of you personally.… Continue reading It is the pen which dreams!