Authors, Books, Debut Novels, Sparkly Books, STARTERS, Videos, Young Adult Novels

STARTERS: Survival is just the beginning…

I know a bunch of you LURVED the HUNGER GAMES (as much as I did) so I'm sharing a book that's getting some great buzz. Word on the street is, Lissa Price has created something REALLY special with her YA futuristic thriller debut, STARTERS. The tagline alone makes me salivate like a rabid animal. God… Continue reading STARTERS: Survival is just the beginning…

Dance, Happy Things, Interwebs, Music, Sparkly Things, Videos, Writing Life

sit back and wave through the daylight

Well, I purchased "Scrivener" yesterday and HOLY MOTHER I have no idea how I've lived without it for so long. It's amazing. Like I sort of want to marry it and grow old together with it AMAZING. Just look at how pretty it is: If you write you should definitely check it out, the "Character… Continue reading sit back and wave through the daylight

Books I LOVE, Happy Things, Hearts and Hearts, Hunger Games, Love, Science Fiction, Sparkly Things, Videos

Countdown: 99 days until THE HUNGER GAMES hits theaters

I'm REALLY looking forward to the movie. I can't wait to see how the screenwriters and actors and director and everyone else involved are going to bring this story to life. AND OMG THAT MEANS MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 97 DAYSSSSS. AND 2012 is almost here and and and...breathe. Here's the official trailer. What do… Continue reading Countdown: 99 days until THE HUNGER GAMES hits theaters

Caffeine, Dance, Interwebs, Music, Videos, Writing Life

Miike Snow — A Song For No One (Video)

Oh my this weekend has been a little hectic, but the good kind of crazy. I'm working on finishing up some super secret things and I thought I'd share what's currently on my playlist. Let's interwebs dance for a bit then get back to work.  Artist: Miike Snow Song: A Song For No One Video… Continue reading Miike Snow — A Song For No One (Video)

Books, Books I LOVE, Debut Novels, For Readers, Love, Pictures worth a thousand words, Reading, Sparkly Books, Videos, Young Adult Novels

The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer: Video

This was such a good read. SUCH A GOOD READ!!! I pre-ordered it and am so glad I did. If you haven't read it yet, here's a little visual stimuli. Happy reading, and happy Wednesday <33333's. Here's the book blurb followed by the video:  "Mara Dyer believes life can't get any stranger than waking up… Continue reading The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer: Video

Love, Music, Videos

The wannadies – you and me (song)

I love this song SOOOOOOOO ssssoooo much. It gets under your skin and infects your brain, no matter what kind of mood you're in, you'll be smiling after it. And if not, you are a non-human. Possibly, a zombie... And I fear you. And your creepy lil' zombie children. XO Video credit evaem's Youtube Channel