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Countdown: 99 days until THE HUNGER GAMES hits theaters

I’m REALLY looking forward to the movie. I can’t wait to see how the screenwriters and actors and director and everyone else involved are going to bring this story to life. AND OMG THAT MEANS MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 97 DAYSSSSS. AND 2012 is almost here and and and…breathe.

Here’s the official trailer. What do you think? YAY or NAY? And more importantly, TEAM GALE OR TEAM PEETA???!!

All credit belongs to VISOTRAILERS youtube channel.

12 thoughts on “Countdown: 99 days until THE HUNGER GAMES hits theaters”

  1. OMHSWOONAGE!! YAY. Heck YAY. LOVE that trailer!! I wants to see this movie! Hmm. Gale is quite hot. Heh. Okay, Peeta isn’t so bad either. I like a guy with a butt chin. 🙂 SQUEAL!

    1. SQUUUUUUUEEEEEEEE!!! Excuse me, my fangirl went into overdrive for a second. I get chills at the end with the countdown EVERY SINGLE TIME. 99 days 99 days 99 dayssssss. team peeta FTW

  2. I am SO EXCITED for this movie. I just finished reading the series about a month ago. I haven’t read much YA recently (thank the book-series-that-shall-not-be- named), but this series was EXCEPTIONAL. CAN.NOT.WAIT.

    1. OHMYGOODNESS – I’m so glad you dug in and read them! YA is such a fun genre, if you’re looking for some more GREAT reads – let me know and I’ll shoot you some good recs!

      AND SQUEEEEEEEEEE for the Hunger Games movie!!!!!!!!!! Let the nail biting begin!

      1. Okay here are a few books I read recently that I adore. Like, THEY MAKE ME WANT TO USE ALL CAPS ADORE. HEART HEART HEART.

        DIVERGENT – Veronica Roth
        HOURGLASS – Myra McEntire
        THE UNBECOMING OF MARA DYER – Michelle Hodkin
        WITHER – Lauren DeStefano

  3. I had a weird revelation a couple days ago. After months of being obsessed with The Hunger Games, I finally hit a point where I was sick of hearing about it.

    (And yet, I am still super excited to see this movie!)

    1. I hear you, it can get a little overwhelming (being beaten over the head with so much buzz), but every darn time I see that trailer I scream a little on the inside. (With glee, of course.:))

    1. I get chills I tells ya, CHILLS at the end and the countdown and OMG I THINK I’M GETTING HYSTERICAL. breathe.

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