Big News, For Readers, Hearts and Hearts, Jimmy Patterson Books, KINGDOM OF THE WICKED, Pictures worth a thousand words, Sparkly Books, Sparkly Things, Ya, ya books, Young Adult Novels

KINGDOM OF THE WICKED B&N Exclusive edition cover reveal

Hello, friends! I teased about good news last week, and I can share it today! I am so excited to reveal the cover for the B&N Exclusive edition of KINGDOM OF THE WICKED! I absolutely l o v e the pale purple colors in this version and hope you do, too. The exclusive cover isn’t the… Continue reading KINGDOM OF THE WICKED B&N Exclusive edition cover reveal

Authors, Books, ESCAPING FROM HOUDINI, For Readers, Happy Things, Hearts and Hearts, Hunting Prince Dracula, Jimmy Patterson Books, Little Brown, Publishing, Release Day, STALKING JACK THE RIPPER, Writing Life, Ya, ya books, Young Adult Novels

ESCAPING FROM HOUDINI is now available everywhere!

dear readers, for someone who works with words on a daily basis, i'm finding it EXTREMELY difficult to express how excited i am that ESCAPING FROM HOUDINI is in stores TODAY!!! this whole publishing journey has felt like a wonderful dream, and it's totally surreal that my THIRD book is now in the world. i… Continue reading ESCAPING FROM HOUDINI is now available everywhere!

Dreams, ESCAPING FROM HOUDINI, For Readers, Giveaway, Happy Things, Hearts and Hearts, Jimmy Patterson Books, Sparkly Books, STALKING JACK THE RIPPER, Ya, ya books

the US ESCAPING FROM HOUDINI preorder prize is finally here!

i’m so excited i’m just going to jump to the news! if you preorder a copy of ESCAPING FROM HOUDINI, my awesome US publisher, JIMMY Books, will send you a set of exclusive character cards, designed by phantom rin! *dances* there will be a total of EIGHT custom cards given to each person who submits… Continue reading the US ESCAPING FROM HOUDINI preorder prize is finally here!

Authors, Big News, Books, Dreams, Hearts and Hearts, Hunting Prince Dracula, Jimmy Patterson Books, Little Brown, Sparkly Books, STALKING JACK THE RIPPER, Ya, ya books, Young Adult Novels

HUNTING PRINCE DRACULA is a NYT bestseller for a THIRD week!

honestly, i'm so floored and am filled with SO MUCH gratitude for each of you. thank you for the incredible word of mouth promotion, for all of the excitement across social media, all of the requests you put in at your libraries, and all of the tweets to my publisher, asking for MOAR. and thank… Continue reading HUNTING PRINCE DRACULA is a NYT bestseller for a THIRD week!

Agents, Authors, Critiques, For Writers, Happy Things, Hearts and Hearts, Publishing, Query Letter, Writing, Writing Life, Young Adult Novels

Query Critique

Original Query: Dear (Agent), Small-time thief, big-time troublemaker, Tristan Storey has been accused of a murder he didn’t commit. And is going to hang for it. With a rope squeezed tightly around his neck, Tristan knows it’s the end, but just as his consciousness flickers, lightning tears down from the sky. It smashes the gallows, freeing the thief.… Continue reading Query Critique

Authors, BEA, beautiful life, Books, Hearts and Hearts, Humor, Hunger Games, Young Adult Novels

Hunger Games text messages, pre BEA and Fun.

I'm not actually going, going to BEA this year (I know, I know I'm a terrible writer!)  - but I am meeting up with some pretty cool authors today. So I don't have time for a real post, BUT I did find something that might make you smile on this Monday. Enjoy random Hunger Games… Continue reading Hunger Games text messages, pre BEA and Fun.

Authors, beautiful life, Books, Happy Things, Hearts and Hearts, Pictures worth a thousand words, Quotes

Quote of the day

I think this quote is adorable, so I had to share it with you. Have a great weekend! XO “You should date a girl who reads. Date a girl who reads. Date a girl who spends her money on books instead of clothes, who has problems with closet space because she has too many books.… Continue reading Quote of the day