beautiful life, Dreams, Happy Things, Hearts and Hearts, Inspiration, Pictures worth a thousand words, Quotes, Writing Life

Dream bigger…

My Critique Goddess (aka Taryn Albright) posted this picture on her blog last week, and I HAD to share it with you. Go out there and do the things you think are impossible. You are capable of so much more than you can ever imagine.


10 thoughts on “Dream bigger…”

  1. EEK! Love! Goes nicely w/my Carroll fave: “Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” 🙂 Happy Monday, twinkie! Keep me posted on how things are going w/the book!

    1. Oh twink, that’s one of MY favorite Carroll quotes too!!!! AND OMG I FORGOT TO SEND YOU AN EMAILLLLL. I will rectify this shortly… 🙂 (Nothing big, just SUPER excited…)

    1. HEY YOU 🙂 I LURVE this picture so much, I just might have to make it MY wallpaper for a little bit too 🙂

    1. It’s goooood 🙂 Taryn is super awesome for sharing it, so I could then steal it and pass it along 🙂

  2. I’ve stumbled upon your blog (honestly) and now here I am because I can’t help but comment. Hey. I was really really down today and it’s all about my goals. I suddenly felt that I’m 23 and I don’t have direction. You know what I mean right? But the quote said that if the dream doesn’t scare the person, it’s not big enough. Isn’t it that when the dreams are big, you suddenly feel excited? Because If the person is scared about the dream, it doesn’t mean that it’s big but rather it was something dangerous and will kind of fail him?

    Oh well, I think I’m just blabbering..It just got me thinking. . .

    1. I think it’s kind of like this… I used to be afraid of sharing my writing with people, but I wanted to be an author. It was my number one dream and it terrified me. Fear is sometimes good to overcome – as long as it’s not confused with being reckless. 🙂

      I hope you’re feeling better and don’t worry about your direction. Sometimes you have to try things that don’t work, before you figure out what does. 🙂

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