For Readers, For Writers, Happy Things, Hearts and Hearts, Interwebs, Love, Sparkly Things, Twitter, Writing Life

5 1/2 Things I Am MOST Grateful for This Year.

Since 2011 is winding down and 2012 is almost upon us – I thought I’d share the five and a half things I am MOST grateful for this year. So here we go!

1.) I am grateful for the writing community. Writers are a special group of people; Maybe even the best. (I might be biased, though.:)) They pick you up when you feel buried in rejection. They force you to do ALL THE THINGS you think you can’t do. They endlessly cheer you on – it’s kind of like having that REALLY REALLY GOOD friend who holds/held your hair back while you are/were praising the porcelain bowl. I digress. Really, I don’t know how I’d manage the publishing journey without all of you, my wonderful writing friends. You are the sun that my world revolves around and I heart you so, so much.

2.) Manuscript Critters and beta readers. HOLY CHIPOTLE GUACAMOLE. You guys. NO SERIOUSLY YOU GUYSSS. You know who you are, and I’m so grateful to have had your magical/awesome/sparkly eyes on my work. My book would be NOWHERE near as awesome without you. AND SERIOUSLY I MAY NEVER EVER KNOW WHERE ALL THOSE PESKY COMMAS GO BECAUSE I HAVE A TENDENCY TO RAMBLE IN REAL LIFE, TOO. Thank you for making me be the best writer I can be. I’m totally giving you a semi-awkward squeezing-the-life-out-of-you GINORMOUS hug right now. No really, I am.

3.) My social networking crew. Including my blog friends, my tweet hearts, and everyone that reads my music column. I am so awed by how amazing you all are, thank you so much for sharing almost every single day with me on the interwebz. You bring laughter, warm sunshine and fluttery butterflies into my soul. I’M SO SERIOUS. I heart you all so much more than you will ever know. Thank you for all the silly banter, book recommendations, #WW’s, #FF’s, the INFAMOUS PANTY MEME, random musings on life and creativity, and of course the fabulous #GOATPOSSE. You enrich my world. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

4.) My parents, my sister, and my friends. What can I say? You guys are the fairest of them all. You support me when I shut myself off from the rest of the world. You allow me to go MONTHS without coffee talk, or normal people stuff like doing laundry, getting dressed in real people clothes, and EVERYTHING ELSE I neglect while I’m balls deep in a project. You allow me to chase after my dreams, and are there for me no matter what. How blessed am I to be surrounded by such amazing people all the time? (Or, realistically, when I’m out of my reclusive hermit shell.) Thank you for giving me the freedom to spread my wings and fly. You never cage me, and one day I can only hope to repay all of you for your unwavering love. I love you all so very much.

5.) I am also grateful for: Dark chocolate covered marzipan squares. I know, I know..RANDOM. BUT BUT BUT this little lactard can’t indulge in milk chocolate treats, and I just found this place that delivers the best BEST BEST chocolate covered marzipan in ze whole entire UNIVERSE and therefore, it makes the list of things I’m super grateful for. Also, i’m grateful for run-on sentences apparently. BUT OMG THE CHOCOLATE IS SO GOOD I CAN’T HELP BUT SAY SO MANY THINGS WITHOUT PUNCTUATION BECAUSE CHOCOLATE AND WRITING GO SO HAPPY FACED TOGETHER, THEY REALLY REALLY DO. O.O

5 1/2.) To everyone who has asked where they can purchase or review my book this year, your faith in my ability to create a world you’d want to spend an entire day in is humbling. I can’t even express to you how incredible you make me feel. YOU KEEP ME GOING – I am so beyond grateful for you. Hopefully 2012 will bring some publishing news that I can share. Until then, I’m CRAZY lucky that you are here to fill my heart with so many amazinggggg feelings. I am giving you a bone crushing bear hug, which is more pleasant than it sounds. Pinky swear. 😉

Happy holidays to you and your family and everyone you love. I hope the coming year brings you everything your heart desires and more. <333333

(Yes, the comments on this post are closed. We can totally hug each other later in the week.)