Liquid Relief, Quotes

Little Secrets

My alphabet starts with this letter called yuzz. It's the letter I use to spell yuzz-a-ma-tuzz. You'll be sort of surprised what there is to be found once you go beyond 'Z' and start poking around! -- Dr. Seuss Dear Dr. Seuss, aka Teddy baby: I'll have one of whatever it is you're smoking, drinking, popping, having.… Continue reading Little Secrets


Street Piano Tour-Ian Axel

As promised, here some of what's in constant rotation on my playlist. Ian Axel is uber talented and he's got feel good music. Hope you enjoy! Happy Wednesday <33333's


Under control

Sharing is caring friends, so if you've got a great song @reply me with it. Here's my pick of the day: The Strokes 'Under Control'. Enjoy xo. ***UPDATE*** Thanks tweet hearts for your recs. Here's some of what you had to offer: @gatsbyandme Beth Hart and lots of her @walkinglife Prem Joshua, Imogen Heap, Ne-Yo, Boyz… Continue reading Under control

Pictures worth a thousand words, Quotes

We’re going to be friends

"I am a badass, and I recognize that you, too, are a badass." -- Cassandra Clare  Cheers to all you badass writers out there, being brave every single day. Don't think you're awesome? YOU stare rejection in the face and laugh. Sure, sometimes you may cry, but guess what? YOU STILL PUT YOURSELF OUT THERE. Which… Continue reading We’re going to be friends

Liquid Relief, Quotes

Highway to hell

"The road to hell is paved with adverbs." -- Stephen King Nuh-uh Stephen. The road to hell is paved with mocktails. Duh. <333333333


Creature Fear

"It would seem that you have no useful skill or talent whatsoever." -- Terry Pratchett Tell that to Fluffy. Be like Fluffy with your writing. The more you read and write, the better you'll get. I pinky swear. XOXO


Take me to the river

"You’ve got about as much charm as a dead slug." -- Suzanne Collins Thank you? Do you have any characters that people will LOVE to HATE in your manuscript? To REALLY give your main character depth, don't be afraid to stank them up a bit. No one is perfect after all. XOXO


Let’s eat grandpa

"I was working on the proof of one of my poems all morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon I put it back again." - Oscar Wilde It's all fun and games until someone accidentally eats grandpa. I'm TOTALLY guilty of this common grammar mistake. Oh, the SHAME. XOXO

Liquid Relief

Mix up, mix up…Cocktail time!

It's Friday which can only mean one's cocktail time! In honor of the rain that's falling, here's a recipe for the Rainy Day Marley. Try it out, then try some more and have a fantastic weekend! <333333 The Rainy Day Marley: 1. Vodka - 1.5 oz 2. Triple Sec - 1.5 oz 3. Mailbu… Continue reading Mix up, mix up…Cocktail time!