Authors, beautiful life, Debut Novels, Uncategorized

ahhhhh! two weeks until publication!

Hello friends! i can hardly believe that publication day is just TWO WEEKS from now. OMGGGGGGGG. seriously. how is my book going to be in the world so soon??? i know i’m going to be a teary bucket of emotions come the 20th. a few quick things of note as the countdown to publication begins:… Continue reading ahhhhh! two weeks until publication!

Authors, Contest, STALKING JACK THE RIPPER, Uncategorized

Fall Tour Announcement!

hello everyone! *waves* i have been sitting on this news for a little while now and i am so, so excited that i can finally share the fall tour and STALKING JACK THE RIPPER launch event with you! i'm planning a bunch of fun things--tasty treats, a door prize, and other SJTR-themed launch-type things for… Continue reading Fall Tour Announcement!

Authors, Awesome reads, Barbara Poelle, beautiful life, Big News, OF BLOOD AND SHADOW, STALKING JACK THE RIPPER, Ya, ya books

5 words, 14 letters…I HAVE A BOOK DEAL!

“I can’t believe this is real life” has become my new mantra. If someone were to tell me three weeks ago that I’d be sharing this news with you, I’d think they were crazy. And clearly compulsive liars, and why the heck was I friends with such crazy compulsive liars?! I’d need to look into… Continue reading 5 words, 14 letters…I HAVE A BOOK DEAL!