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IG contest, preorder incentive, fall tour updates

hello friends! i have a few exciting things to update you on:

one: i’m hosting an epic Instagram giveaway right now that features some fun HUNTING PRINCE DRACULA swag designed by novelly yours and read and wonder.


it ends TOMORROW NIGHT, so be sure to enter ASAP. two winners will be chosen and announced Tuesday on my instagram. (one grand prize winner and one runner up.)

two: there is going to be a preorder incentive and i’ve gotten A LOT of questions on what it is and how people will be able to enter. the announcement will likely be in early August (SOON!) but for now i can say that taking a screen shot of your receipts will be what you need to upload it into the preorder website.

three: the fall tour will also be announced soon, AND each location will have signed stock available AND you can preorder through each store and have it personalized for you. i’ll post more details on how to do that once the tour/cities are announced.

Pre-order links:


Barnes & Noble


Book Depository 

Book People

Hudson Booksellers

Kepler’s Books


Add HUNTING PRINCE DRACULA to your goodreads shelves here!

can’t wait to see you all on the road!


6 thoughts on “IG contest, preorder incentive, fall tour updates”

  1. YAY! I actually received an ARC of Hunting Prince Dracula at BookCon and it was AMAZING! One of my all-time favorite reads for sure! I will definitely still be pre-ordering a final copy though, so I can’t wait to hear what the extra incentive is (though the beautiful book itself is incentive enough)!!

    Congrats on the release of another book! You are a phenomenal author 🙂

    1. thank you! that makes me so happy to hear — i hope you enjoy the final HC and the map! the team at JIMMY books really made it into a work of art <3

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