Happy Things, Hearts and Hearts, Pictures worth a thousand words, Quotes

Birthdays, happiness, and dancing robots

It’s my birthday, so I’m going to share some EXTRA amazing things for you. I hope that you are having a wonderful day – let’s drink something bubbly and dance on the tables together. XOXO

Now lets put on our best lamé and dance.

Pictures all credited to Pinterest

Video credit: 

10 thoughts on “Birthdays, happiness, and dancing robots”


      Know that I will be following you around the house singing today. Starting right now…

      I LOVE YOU SISTER xoxoxo

  1. Elodie – Author of heartwarming, hilarious and hot romcoms with grumpy book boyfriends that make me laugh out loud and heart-pounding, haunting romantic suspense novels that scare the crap out of me. All of them hard to put down... I will never lose my French accent. You can email me at: authorelodienowodazkij@gmail.com
    Elodie says:

    Happppppppppppyyyyyy BIRTHDAY to YOU, Kerri 😀 Wishing you the very very best! Raising my glass to you! (ok it´s water cos it´s Wednesday but still :D)

    1. ((((CUDDLE HUGS YOU)))) *clinks tea cup with your water glass* Thanks for the birthday wishes, my dear!!! 🙂

  2. Gah! I nearly missed it! (but I’m still two minutes shy of midnight EST) sooooo HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope it was a lovely, fantanbulous, cake/drink/friend-filled day! xoxoxoxo

    1. LOL – YOU MADE IT!!! Thank you for the lovely birthday wishes, it was a fantabulous day 🙂 (((HUGS YOU))))

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