Capturing the Devil, Creepy Stories, ESCAPING FROM HOUDINI, For Readers, Happy Things, Hunting Prince Dracula, Jimmy Patterson Books, STALKING JACK THE RIPPER, Ya, ya books, Young Adult Novels

CAPTURING THE DEVIL quote reveal + more fun SJTR series things!

in celebration of the synopsis reveal, preorders and the Epic Reads book shimmy award win (THANK YOU FOR VOTING FOR ESCAPING FROM HOUDINI!!), here’s the second quote reveal from CAPTURING THE DEVIL. i hope you enjoy it!!!

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He brushed his thumb over my lower lip, his voice smooth and alluring in the dim light. “If the world thinks we’re heading straight to hell, we might as well enjoy the journey there. I’d much rather dance with the devil than sing with angels. Wouldn’t you?”



And yes, dear readers, this is the first Thomas Cresswell quote. No tricks.


if you need to get caught up on the series, B&N is having an INCREDIBLE 50% off sale on their exclusive edition of ESCAPING FROM HOUDINI that features the bonus chapter. i’m including a link below if you’d like to snag it for under $10!

ESCAPING FROM HOUDINI B&N exclusive sale link:




Barnes & Noble


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