Agents, Barbara Poelle, For Writers, Happy Things, Literary Agents, My Agent Is Super Awesome, Query Letter

Attn Writers: My agent is doing a webinar!

Hey writer friends I’ve got something for YOUUUU! My agent is doing another Writers Digest Webinar (From Cozy to Carnage: An Agent Explains the Ins and Outs of Thriller/Mystery Writing–For Both the Adult and YA Markets) on Thursday April 12th.

Are you squinting at your screen wondering why you should be interested in this? If you’re nodding your head, here’s my answer: I attended the last one in November and ended up signing with Barbara on my next project. WOO HOO! I’m walking proof that these things work – it opened up the doors for our communication. Not to mention, the query letter and first page critique that came with the webinar were AWESOME.

Some of what Barbara pointed out helped me while crafting my next novel. She’s got SERIOUS superpowers with identifying areas that you can improve in your manuscripts and queries. ALSO you might be one of three people asked to submit sample chapters OR a full manuscript based on your first page. Not too shabby.

Are you thinking I really WANT to BUT I’m working when the webinar is going on… FEAR NOT! You don’t have to attend the live event! You just have to register, then watch it at your leisure. After work, over the weekend, three o’clock in the morning – it’s all good.

If you’re looking to take your writing to the next level and make an agent connection, then this is the perfect thing for you. Who knows? Maybe we’ll be agent mates…that would be pretty freaking cool. 🙂

For those interested here are the details taken directly from WD:


All registrants are invited to submit their query (one page) and the first full page (double-spaced) of their work. All entrants will receive a critique from instructor Barbara Poelle. If you choose to submit your work prior to the live webinar, you could be one of three entrants who are asked to submit three chapters or a full manuscript based on the first page during the webinar itself in order to show what captured Barbara’s attention and why.

This webinar is an exploration and discussion of the earmarks of each subgenre within the thriller/mystery world, including cozy, suspense, crime, and thriller, as well as the type of query and introduction that can capture the eye in this crowded field. The webinar will discuss tips on not only how to write a compelling story, but also how to pitch one to agents and editors.

Instructor Barbara Poelle has numerous national and international bestselling authors on her client list throughout all of the thriller/mystery subgenres (full list below) and loves to break down what truly makes something “thrilling” to read. She will explore titles and examples of each subgenre within the thriller world and walk writers through the process of captivating both a publisher and an audience.


Literary agent Barbara Poelle began her publishing career as a freelance copywriter and editor before joining the Irene Goodman Agency in 2007, but feels as if she truly prepared for the industry during her brief stint as a stand-up comic in Los Angeles. She has found success placing thrillers, literary suspense, historical romances, humorous/platform driven nonfiction, and upmarket fiction and young adult and is actively seeking her next great client in those genres, but is passionate about anything with a unique voice. Barbara has a very hands-on approach with the craft and editorial details of the books she represents, and loves working with her clients to take their writing to the next level.

Books within these genres Barbara sold within the last year include: BLIND FAITH by New York Times best-selling author CJ Lyons; THE EDEN PROPHECY by international bestseller Graham Brown; the Bad Day crime novel series (such as A BAD DAY FOR SORRY), by Sophie Littlefield, which have become national bestsellers short-listed for the Edgar, the Anthony, the Barry, and many other awards; THE NINTH DAY, by international bestseller Jamie Freveletti; and STARTERS, by Lissa Price, a major deal for a new YA series to be published by Random House in 2012.

*Please note this webinar is for both Adult and YA manuscripts. My book is a YA genre mashup (science fiction/thriller), so if yours isn’t a straight thriller or mystery but has those elements, don’t hesitate to sign up.


8 thoughts on “Attn Writers: My agent is doing a webinar!”

  1. EEK! SQUEEE! And TWEETING THIS! What an awesome learning/networking experience! I’m still giddy and gleeful just thinking about you being all agented and stuff. Hee

    1. *BLUSHES* Can you believe it’s been a month of being agented in two days, Twink?! TIME FLIES 🙂

  2. Hi Kerri,
    Thanks for the great post! I actually already signed-up for the webinar, and it is great to hear from a webinar-vet.
    My big question is how many people are usually at these things? Are we talking like 10? 40? 100? A number would be helpful when I need to comfort/talk myself down after we find out who the lucky three are.

    1. *waves* Hi Jenny! I’m glad you enjoyed the post and let me just say you are going to LOVE the webinar. I was actually just listening to my archived one earlier. 🙂

      As for your question, I’m not entirely sure how many people actually sign up for the webinar. I don’t remember getting that information last time, but all questions are answered and *I think* even if you aren’t one of the three chosen for the webinar, if Barbara likes your query/sample she may request to see more.

      BUT don’t hold me to that one. I think I read something about that back on Query Tracker. (It should still be in the comment section there, around November.)

      EEEK! I’m so excited for you! Let me know how you make out, I kinda wish I was taking this one too 🙂

      1. Thanks, Keri! I wish I could say that I was excited. I feel worried mostly. It’s like when that hot guy comes over to talk to you, and you don’t know whether he’s going to ask you for a date or to borrow a pencil. So you analyze his body language, his smile, and his walk, until you’re simultaneously convinced that he’ll kiss you right there and that he’ll tell you he hates you and please never talk to him again.
        Only this lasts longer.
        But it’s cool. I’m sure everyone feels like that.

        Thanks again!

      2. LOOOOOOOOOL I know EXACTLY what you mean, and it’s totally understandable. Just know that you are awesome and no matter what you’re going to leave the webinar with LOTS of super awesome knowledge 🙂

        But I’m sure your manuscript is pretty enough 🙂 Good Luck!!!

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