beautiful life, Books, For Readers, Happy Things, Hearts and Hearts, Love, Pictures worth a thousand words, Sparkly Things

11 Unique Bookshelves for People Who Heart Books

If you love books, then you have to check these unique bookshelves out. I want them ALLLLLL. Hope you’re having a great day! <3 <3

20 thoughts on “11 Unique Bookshelves for People Who Heart Books”

  1. I want the curvy leaning bookcases! And I’ve seen a different version of the lounge chair one…definitely want that one. Oh, who am I kidding…I WANT THEM ALL TOO!

    1. LOOOOOL that is exactly how I processed them last night. I was like OK if i could only pick one…..yeah, not happening! Glad you liked them, my friend! Happy #WW 🙂

    1. Lets see…if and only IF could only choose two, I think I’d definitely go with #6 and #1. Imaginary choices are tough 😉 I’m glad you liked this post, Tarah my <3 Hope you're having a super-fab day 🙂

  2. Oh I love those. They are so cool and different it makes me want to come up with a design equally creative. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I’m so glad you are feeling inspired by these! They make me want to go out there and create something, too. Thanks for stopping in and happy Wednesday! 🙂

    1. If you click on the pictures you should be redirected to the original sites. I found them by doing a google search for “Unique Bookshelf.” Happy shopping! 🙂

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